við erum búin að eyðileggja myndavélina í vinnnunni með ákafa og afköstum ... erum að borga fyrir það núna með því að hafa ekki rassgat að gera nema spila asnalega orðaleiki meðan annað okkar tekur myndir á antik myndavél en hitt borar í nefið - ekki alslæmt að vísu:
End of DayS - Something About MarY - YallayallA (sænskir þættir??? ok:)) - AI - I, RoboT - Thin Red LinE - Eye of the Beholder - Ronja ræningjadóttiR - Rex - Xena Warrior Prinsess - Saving Private RyaN - Nonni og MannI - In the Name of the FatheR - Return of the KinG - the Good, the Bad the UglY - Young Indiana JoneS - Stealing BeautY - (ég hata y ....) Young Einstein - Natural Born KillerS - SeabiscuiT - Titan AE - Everybody Loves RaymonD - Dude, Where's My CaR - Raiders of the Lost ArC - CandimaN - Name of the RosE - Enchanted MansioN - NortH - HamleT - To Kill a MockingbirD - Death of a SalesmaN - Nothing to LosE - Emperor of the SuN - NikitA - Apocalypse NoW - What Women WanT - TerminatoR - RosswelL - Life of David GaylE - EnterprisE - Eyes Wide ShuT - TrainspottinG - Groundhog DaY - Young BlooD - Dances With WolveS - Seven SamuraI - Intolerable CrueltY - You've Got MaiL - Long Kiss GoodnighT - Twin PeakS - SWAT - Twilight ZonE - El MariachI - IshtaR - River Runs Through IT - Tank GirL - Love ActuallY ... etc.:)
frh. YentilL - Leaving Las VegaS - Shawsank RedemptioN - Notting HilL - Lost In SpacE - ExcalibuR - RoxannE - ErnesT - Time To KilL - Lost In TranslatioN - Nobody's FooL - Lock, Stock and Two Smoking BarrelS - Starship TrooperS - Something's Gotta GivE - EldoradO - OrlandO - Oceans EleveN - NeighbourS - jamms ... fer að verða komið gott ...
góðar stundir ...
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