fór alltof seint að sofa í gær... Dr. Phil var í sjónvarpinu og var að tala um fóbíur... að sjálfsögðu fór ég að pæla í fóbíum og fletti þeim upp núna áðan - váááá hvað það eru margar!!! hérna getið þið séð þær allar í stafrófsröð en ég ætla bara að láta nokkrar fylgja með til skemmtunar:)
Air- Anemophobia.
Air swallowing- Aerophobia.
Amnesia- Amnesiphobia.
Anything new- Neophobia.
Asymmetrical things- Asymmetriphobia
Bald people- Peladophobia.
Bald, becoming- Phalacrophobia.
Beards- Pogonophobia.
Beaten by a rod or instrument of punishment, or of being severely criticized- Rhabdophobia.
Beautiful women- Caligynephobia.
Beds or going to bed- Clinophobia.
Bicycles- Cyclophobia.
Birds- Ornithophobia.
Black- Melanophobia.
Blindness in a visual field- Scotomaphobia.
Blushing or the color red- Erythrophobia, Erytophobia or Ereuthophobia.
Body odors- Osmophobia or Osphresiophobia.
Body, things to the left side of the body- Levophobia.
Body, things to the right side of the body- Dextrophobia.
Bogeyman or bogies- Bogyphobia.
Bolsheviks- Bolshephobia.
Books- Bibliophobia.
Bowel movements: painful- Defecaloesiophobia.
Bums or beggars- Hobophobia.
Cats- Aclurophobia, Ailurophobia, Elurophobia, Felinophobia, Galeophobia, or Gatophobia.
Ceremonies, religious- Teleophobia.
Chickens- Alektorophobia.
Child, bearing a deformed; deformed people- Teratophobia.
Childbirth- Maleusiophobia, Tocophobia, Parturiphobia, or Lockiophobia.
Children- Pedophobia.
Chinese or Chinese culture- Sinophobia.
Chins- Geniophobia.
Church- Ecclesiophobia.
Clocks- Chronomentrophobia.
Clocks or time- Chronophobia.
Clothing- Vestiphobia.
Clouds- Nephophobia.
Clowns- Coulrophobia.
Coitus- Coitophobia.
Cold or cold things- Frigophobia.
Cold: extreme, ice or frost- Cryophobia.
Cold- Cheimaphobia, Cheimatophobia, Psychrophobia or Psychropophobia.
Color purple- Porphyrophobia.
Color yellow- Xanthophobia.
Color white- Leukophobia.
Colors- Chromophobia or Chromatophobia.
Computers or working on computers- Cyberphobia.
Constipation- Coprastasophobia.
Cooking- Mageirocophobia.
Corpses- Necrophobia.
Cosmic Phenomenon- Kosmikophobia.
Creepy, crawly things- Herpetophobia.
Criticism- Enissophobia.
Crosses or the crucifix- Staurophobia.
Crossing streets- Agyrophobia or Dromophobia.
Crowded public places like markets- Agoraphobia.
Crowds or mobs- Enochlophobia, Demophobia or Ochlophobia.
Crystals or glass- Crystallophobia.
Dampness, moisture or liquids- Hygrophobia.
Dancing- Chorophobia.
Dark or night- Nyctophobia.
Dark place, being in- Lygophobia.
Darkness- Achluophobia or Myctophobia, or Scotophobia.
Dawn or daylight- Eosophobia.
Daylight or sunshine- Phengophobia.
Death or dying- Thanatophobia.
Death or dead things- Necrophobia.
Decaying matter- Seplophobia.
Decisions: making decisions- Decidophobia.
Defeat- Kakorrhaphiophobia.
Deformed people or bearing a deformed child- Teratophobia.
Deformity or unattractive body image- Dysmorphophobia.
Demons- Demonophobia or Daemonophobia.
Dental surgery- Odontophobia.
Dentists- Dentophobia.
Dependence on others- Soteriophobia.
Depth- Bathophobia.
Diabetes- Diabetophobia.
Dining or dinner conversations- Deipnophobia.
Dizziness or vertigo when looking down- Illyngophobia.
Dizziness or whirlpools- Dinophobia.
Doctor, going to the- Iatrophobia.
Doctrine, challenges to or radical deviation from official- Heresyphobia or Hereiophobia.
Dogs or rabies- Cynophobia.
Dolls- Pediophobia.
Double vision- Diplophobia.
Drafts- Aerophobia or Anemophobia.
Dreams, wet- Oneirogmophobia.
Dreams- Oneirophobia.
Drinking- Dipsophobia.
Drugs, new- Neopharmaphobia.
Drugs or taking medicine- Pharmacophobia.
Dryness- Xerophobia.
Dust- Amathophobia or Koniophobia.
Dust- Amathophobia.
Duty or responsibility, neglecting- Paralipophobia.
Dying or death- Thanatophobia.
Eating or swallowing- Phagophobia.
Eating or food- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia.
Eating or swallowing or of being eaten- Phagophobia.
Eight, the number- Octophobia.
Electricity- Electrophobia.
Englishness- Anglophobia.
Erect penis- Medorthophobia.
Erection, losing an- Medomalacuphobia.
Everything- Panophobia, Panphobia, Pamphobia, or Pantophobia.
Eyes- Ommetaphobia or Ommatophobia.
Eyes, opening one's- Optophobia..
Fabrics, certain- Textophobia.
Failure- Atychiphobia or Kakorrhaphiophobia.
Fainting- Asthenophobia.
Fatigue- Kopophobia.
Feathers or being tickled by feathers- Pteronophobia.
Female genitals- Kolpophobia.
Female genitalia- Eurotophobia.
Fever- Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Fidriophobia or Pyrexiophobia.
Fire- Arsonphobia or Pyrophobia.
Firearms- Hoplophobia.
Fish- Ichthyophobia.
Flashes- Selaphobia.
Flogging or punishment- Mastigophobia.
Floods- Antlophobia.
Flowers- Anthrophobia or Anthophobia.
Flutes- Aulophobia.
Fog- Homichlophobia or Nebulaphobia.
Food or eating- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia.
Food- Cibophobia.
Foreigners or strangers- Xenophobia.
Foreign languages- Xenoglossophobia.
Forests or wooden objects- Xylophobia.
Forests- Hylophobia.
Forests, dark wooded area, of at night- Nyctohylophobia
Forgetting or being forgotten- Athazagoraphobia.
France or French culture- Francophobia, Gallophobia or Galiphobia.
Freedom- Eleutherophobia.
Friday the 13th- Paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Frogs- Batrachophobia.
Frost, ice or extreme cold- Cryophobia.
Frost or ice- Pagophobia.
Functioning or work: surgeon's fear of operating- Ergasiophobia.
Fur or skins of animals- Doraphobia.
.... þetta er bara það sem ég hafði ekki hugmynd um að fólk væri með fóbíu fyrir úr fyrstu stöfum stafrófsins.... fóbía fyrir Bretum og Frökkum og mönnum með skalla:)hehehehe merkilegt:)
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Var að googla "textophobia" vegna sjúklegrar snertifælni gagnvart hráum bómul og var vísað á bloggið hjá fyrrum vinnufélaga! Bara sniðugt :D
Kv. Sara (úr LBS)
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