jújú.... fimmtudagur.... eftir viku verð ég á flugvellinum á leiðinni til London:) hlakka massíft til:)
ég er hætt að skoða heimasíður um allt sem ég
get gert.... það kemur bara í ljós hvað ég gerði:)
linkur frá Gunnellu.... ótrúlegt að það skuli vera til svona
heimskt fólk!!!!!
búin að skrifa og skrifa og delíta og delíta... hef greinilega ekkert merkilegt að segja sem ég vil deila með þeim sem ramba hingað inn.... enginn tilfinningabloggari í mér greinilega:) þannig að ég ætla að pósta inn einhverja linka sem allir geta haft gaman af.... eru að minnsta kosti skemmtilegri en rausið í mér um..... allt sem ég er búin að delíta:)
það liggur ótrúlega vinna á bak við síður eins og þessar,
Transhumanist Resources, þau eru með
orðalista og hugtakaskýringakafla svo að þú getir skilið öll orðin sem þau nota...
þarna á forsíðunni hjá Transhumanistunum er
blár borði, hann stendur fyrir stuðnig við málfrelsi á netinu... hvað ætli það séu til margir litir af borðum??
Yellow Ribbon: gegn sjálfsmorðum unglinga
Yellow Ribbon: Bringing Them Home - the wonderful ways quilters have chosen to help our nation in this time of crisis
Yellow Ribbon: Operation Military Pride Proudly Presents Operation Yellow Ribbon
Yellow Ribbon: adopt a POW/MAI - Operation Just Cause...for as long as it takes - varð að hafa þetta með, tónlist á síðunni
Yellow Ribbon: wearing yellow ribbons to commemorate the release dates of friends and loved ones across the country
White Ribbon: Raising Awareness about Gay-Teen Suicide And remembering those who we've lost
White Ribbon: The white ribbon is dedicated to the memory of all women who have died in pregnancy and childbirth. Worldwide, every minute of every day, a woman dies of pregnancy-related complications – nearly 500,000 women each year.
White Ribbon: Speak freely, act responsibly. "Act as free men, but do not let your freedom be a cover for evil."
White Ribbon: karlmenn sem vinna gegn ofbeldi karlmanna gegn konum
Pink Ribbon: brjóstakrabbamein
Green Ribbon: styður líka málfrelsi en styður ekki þá sem misnota málfrelsi sitt á internetinu... verandi kristileg samtök, þess vegna þarf bláan internet borða líka...
Green Ribbon: The Green Ribbon Pledge, conserving energy, securing our future
Green Ribbon: til stuðnings við þá sem eru ættleiddir og vilja komast að því hverjir eru raunverulega foreldrar þeirra
Green Ribbon: Share Your Life - The Green Ribbon is a symbol for those who wait, the 78,000 men, women and children on waiting lists at Transplant Medical Centers across the United States.
Green Ribbon: For Freedom of Inovation - created to protest a series of suits filed by Hasbro concerning a number of games they claim have the same "look and feel" as old Atari games created by various companies and freelance developers... games like Tetris, Asteroids, and Pac-Man.
Red Ribbon: alnæmi
Red Ribbon: Keeping Kids Of Drugs
Red Ribbon: "Take A Minute, Make A Difference," focuses our attention on helping young people develop the internal and external assets they need to live healthy lives.
Purple Ribbon: stop animal abuse - be a hero - það er tónlist á síðunni - muzak útgáfa á skemmtara af We Need A Hero laginu með Tinu Turner:) mæli með þessari síðu... í smá stund:)
Purple Ribbon: Campaign to end Domestic Violence - fjólublátt valið því þannig eru marblettir á litinn
Purple Ribbon: þeir sem aðhyllast wicca og þannig - Fellowship of the Earth to show solidarity of kindred spirits. "Fight the Fear" is the slogan chosen to represent the Purple Ribbons. Like many ribbon campaigns, this is a way for us to outwardly show our support for religious tolerance and the freedom to believe in our own paths. Pagans and those of Goddess or Nature centered spirituality are misunderstood by most people with mainstream religious backgrounds.
Purple Ribbon: putting cancer in its place
Purple Ribbon: In symbolism of the Purple Heart given to men and women of the military for their sacrifice for the United States, we seek to honor and recognize the sacrifice parents make by displaying a purple ribbon with the message "You Gotta Love Parents" and a representation of the human heart.
Purple Ribbon: og þetta er náttúrulega bara fyndið!!!:) - In these hectic times, the lives of the Kindred have been burdened with many hardships. Although humans have increased in numbers, this has only made the hunt more difficult since there are eyewitnesses almost anywhere, at any time. The decay of modern civilization has brought on self-inflicted diseases. True, those who have taken drugs are often easy prey, but their blood is weakened from substance abuse and malnutrition, and therefore is nowhere as effective as it used to be. The Purple Ribbon Campaign was born when the Hunger was recognized. Several compassionate humans felt the need to do something for their suffering fellow beings, undead or alive. What started with merely a few individuals soon grew into a movement of some strength. New blood is, however, always welcome.
eRibbon: til minningar um alla sem létust 11. september 2001, hann er að sjálfsögðu rauður, blár og hvítur
Unity Ribbon: til að sameina alla eftir 11. september, allur ágóði rennur til munaðarlausra NYPD og FDNY barna (löggur og slökkvilið), líka í bandarísku fánalitunum en þessi er með stjörnum og allt
Black Ribbon: Melanoma means "black tumor". Black is the color of the warrior's mood when going into battle and the melanoma patient is in the battle for life. Black is our rage when we consider the lack of progress and lack of research funding going on after 25 years of the so-called "War On Cancer"
Black Ribbon: 11. september 2001 - Against The Hate
Black Ribbon: varð að hafa þetta með - a web site for Blood Drinkers looking for advice and a way out if their habit.
Black Ribbon: The Black Ribbon Campaign for Vampire Awareness - The Black Ribbon Campaign is intended to promote public awareness of who and what Vampires REALLY are, and to encourage their acceptance in society.
Black Ribbon: League of Non Voters - "An election is nothing more than an advance auction of stolen goods."
verð að hætta .... að eru til óteljandi borðar hérna á netinu... og ég tékkaði bara á nokkrum litum:)