
ég var að horfa á Boston Legal í gær og er að hlusta á diskinn hans William Shatner, Has Been, núna ... mér finnst Shatner barasta rosalega kúl maður, kvikindi og ömurleg manneskja víst (hef ekki fundið neinar verulega slæmar sögur, bara orðróm um að hann sé kvikindi en ekki hvernig...) en samt eitthvað svo flottur:) ef þið hafið ekki heyrt þennan disk mæli ég hiklaust með honum:) og já, Gummi þú gafst mér hann, þú átt heiðurinn af því að ég er að hlusta á diskinn - bara svo það sé á hreinu:)
ég veit alveg hver Shatner er en ég veit ekkert um manninn þannig að ég var aðeins að fletta honum upp ... leitin var styrkt af google.com - auðvitað:)
það fyrsta sem kemur upp er auðvitað heimasíðan hans sjálfs, williamshatner.com - þar er hægt að kaupa Has Been diskinn áritaðan á 65$ og venjulegan á 18.95$ ... smá munur:) á disknum er að finna eftirfarandi lög:
1. Common People (with Joe Jackson)
2. It Hasn't Happened Yet
3. You'll Have Time
4. That's Me Trying (with Ben Folds and Aimee Mann)
5. What Have You Done
6. Together (with Lemon Jelly)
7. Familiar Love
8. Ideal Woman
9. Has Been
10. I Can't Get Behind That (with Henry Rollins)
11. Real (with Brad Paisley)
... mér finnst þessi diskur rosalega góður:) en Shatner hefur gert svo margt, margt annað líka ... ok, hann er fæddur 22. mars 1931 í Montreal í Kanada, hvítur, gagnkynhneigður, gyðingur, grænmetisæta og notar hártopp ... menntaður viðskiptafræðingur og talar lýtalausa ensku og frönsku, hefur verið giftur fjórum sinnum og á þrjár dætur (með fyrstu eiginkonu sinni Gloriu Rand). Gloria skildi við Shatner 1969 og tók allt sem hann átti, peninga og dæturnar þrjár, og hann bjó í pallbíl með húsi um tíma þangað til hann fór að fá vinnu sem borgaði meira en smáaura. Shatner giftist Marcy Lafferty árið 1973 og þau voru gift í næstum tuttugu ár. Hann deitaði Veru Montez í tvö ár áður en hann giftist í þriðja skiptið konu sem hét Nerine Kidd, hún drukknaði í sundlauginni þeirra 9. ágúst 1999 - sjá lagið What Have You Done? hér að ofan .... mjög sorglegt:/
núna er hann giftur konu sem heitir Elizabeth Anderson Martin og þau rækta hesta og eru mjög hamingjusöm ...
Hann er líklega einn versti leikari í heimi en samt fíla ég hann í ræmur:) hann er líklega frægastur fyrir að leika Captain James Tiberius Kirk í Star Trek og fólkið sem vann með honum man eftir honum sem óþolandi egóista:) þegar hann er að leika (kannski í alvörunni líka) talar hann alltaf eins og það sem hann er að segja sé súperdramatískt með lööööngum pásum, kallað Shatnerian ("His clipped, dramatic narration, peppered with dramatic pauses, is often referred to as "Shatnerian""). Rétt fyrir 1970 gaf hann út plötu sem hét The Transformed Man og útgáfa hans af laginu "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" var kosin mesta nauðgun á Bítlalagi ever árið 2003 ... en hann hefur húmor fyrir sjálfum sér ... ekki annað hægt kannski?:)
In his early performing days, Shatner was once required to play the piano in a scene (with music supplied off-camera), then pull a weapon from a drawer to kill another actor. First the piano cue went badly, then the only "weapon" available turned out to be a corkscrew. Shatner carried on, and in his own words, "I screwed him to death!"
og nokkur kvót:
[When asked if he wore a hairpiece] "It's a question that I find like asking somebody, 'Did you have a breast implant?' or 'When did you get your lobotomy?'"
[When asked if he was a fan of technology] "I love technology. Matches, to light a fire is really high tech. The wheel is REALLY one of the great inventions of all time. Other than that I am an ignoramus about technology. I once looked for the 'ON' button on the computer and came to find out it was on the back. Then I thought, anyone who would put the 'on' switch on the back, where you can't find it, doesn't do any good for my psyche. The one time I did get the computer on, I couldn't turn the damn thing off!"
"Babies have big heads and big eyes, and tiny little bodies with tiny little arms and legs. So did the aliens at Roswell! I rest my case."
"I am not a Starfleet commander, or T.J. Hooker. I don't live on Starship NCC-170, or own a phaser. And I don't know anybody named Bones, Sulu, or Spock. And no, I've never had green alien sex, though I'm sure it would be quite an evening. I speak English and French, not Klingon! I drink Labatt's, not Romulan ale! And when someone says to me 'Live long and prosper', I seriously mean it when I say, 'Get a life'. My doctor's name is not McCoy, it's Ginsberg. And tribbles were puppets, not real animals. PUPPETS! And when I speak, I never, ever talk like every. Word. Is. Its. Own. Sentence. I live in California, but I was raised in Montreal. And yes, I've gone where no man has gone before, but I was in Mexico and her father gave me permission! My name is William Shatner, and I am Canadian!"
"How do I stay so healthy and boyishly handsome? It's simple. I drink the blood of young runaways."
"Captain Kirk never burped out his lines, nor did he simply SPEAK! as IF! Every! Other! SYLlable! WAS! of DIRE! ImPORTance!"
"Remember-you can't beam through a force field. So, don't try it."
"I have saved the world in the movies
So naturally there's folks who think I must know what to know
But just because you've seen me on your TV
Doesn't mean I'm any more enlightened than you
And I wish I knew the things you think I do
I would change this world for sure
I'd love to help the world and all its problems
But I'm an entertainer, and that's all
So the next time there's an asteroid or a natural disaster
I'm flattered that you thought of me
But I'm not the one to call
Sorry to disappoint you
But I'm real"

... gagnrýni á plötuna og hérna fann ég aðra mjög góða gagnrýni á plötuna Has Been eftir einstakling (Mahatma Randy? strákur? stelpa?) sem veit slatta um Shatner og líf hans:)
In fact, Bill never quite apologizes for anything he's done. He's sorry for it, but you never get the feeling that, had he all of it to do over again, he wouldn't still screw everyone over just the same. He's not pretending to be an ideal guy, or even a very good one; he's aware of his shortcomings, embarrassed by more than a few of them, but on the whole, he's happy with who he is. Beyond the "I'm a hero onscreen, but I'm completely ineffectual in real life" theme is another one of what I call "Unrepentant repentance." This is strangely engaging, a sort of 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm a jerk. Can we get past that and move on to some thing else?' He remains a pretty fucked up individual, but one that it's hard not to like.
I can get behind that ....
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